
Menopause and Muscle: Tailoring Strength Training for Women

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Menopause and Muscle: Tailoring Strength Training for Women

Menopause and Muscle: Tailoring Strength Training for Women

Let’s talk about something that’s totally natural but feels like a wild rollercoaster ride.


Yes, it’s that phase in life where things start to shift. Usually hitting women in their late 40s or early 50s.

But here’s the thing – even though it’s natural.

The effects it can have on our bodies and minds are no joke. From mood swings to hot flashes, it’s like our bodies are playing a crazy game of “What’s Next?”

Before you get too overwhelmed!

Grab a cuppa and get comfy in your favourite chair. And let’s learn how the power of strength training can make menopause easier.

It’s time to take charge of your well-being and embrace this big change with confidence. It’s all about taking control and feeling your best.

Menopause and its Effects on Strength & Overall Women’s Health

what is menopause

Menopause is a natural process. But it brings along hormonal changes that can affect both body and mind.

The hormonal shifts lead to a DECREASE in estrogen particularly. Women in menopause commonly struggle with muscle loss and decreased bone density. Reduced estrogen production can lead to decreased bone density and an altered body composition. Therefore, during menopause women are more prone to weight gain and muscle loss.

This can impact overall health and increase the risk of conditions like osteoporosis.

Power of Strength Training for Menopausal Women

what are the stages of menopause

Strength training is a powerful tool to counteract these changes.

It not only helps maintain muscle mass and bone density but also contributes to mental well-being. Empowering women to navigate this phase of life with strength and confidence.

8 Reasons Why Resistance Training Is Essential During Menopause?

symptoms of menopause

Resistance training comes with many benefits. And it is especially important during menopause. Check these out:

  1. Get Stronger Muscles: It’s a must-have workout for your muscles, making them grow bigger and live longer.
  2. Speed Up Your Metabolism: By building muscle, you also speed up your metabolism. That’s a big plus during menopause when things tend to slow down a little.
  3. Build Better Bones: Wanna keep your bones strong? Resistance training helps with that, lowering the chances of issues like osteoporosis.
  4. Improve Your Mood: Feeling down? Resistance training can lift your spirits and zap away those blues. It’s like a natural mood booster.
  5. Sleep Like a Baby: Regular exercise, including resistance training, can help you catch more Z’s. Even when menopause messes with your sleep schedule.
  6. Prevent Weight Gain: Exercise, particularly strength training, helps counteract hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
  7. Ease Menopausal Symptoms: Regular physical activity can ease common symptoms of menopause like aches, pains, and fatigue, while also boosting mood and libido.
  8. Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise improves insulin sensitivity. Reducing the risk of diabetes. It also strengthens the heart, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Menopause-Friendly Strength Training Routines

Menopause isn’t just a phase. It’s an opportunity for women to prioritize their health and embrace self-care.

Are you on the lookout for the perfect strength training routines?

Let’s talk about resistance training. It is a game-changer when it comes to keeping yourself in good health, both physically and mentally, especially during menopause.

Here’s a sample strength training routine designed specifically for menopausal women. Adjust the intensity and frequency to match your fitness level and preferences.

Before starting any exercise program. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure safety.

Menopause friendly strength training routines for women

Workout Equipment Needed

Kettlebell | Dumbbell | Bench | Resistance Tube | Skipping Rope | Cardio Machine

Always Warm-Up Before Exercise

Mini Warm-Up Routine
– Pre-roll foam rolling (5-10 minutes)
– Hip extensions
– Plank (40 seconds)
– Active hamstring stretch
– Side-lying 90-90 stretch
– Band walking (10 steps each side)
– Bent leg band walking (10 steps each side)

Workout Option 1: Circuit

This time-efficient workout combines lower and upper body exercises in a circuit style. Completing the entire routine, including warm-up, in under 25 minutes.

1 Minute of rest – Repeat 3 times

Exercise Repetitions
Goblet Squat 10 reps
DB Press On Bench 10 reps
Reverse Alternating Lunges 10 reps (each side)
Resistance Tube Rows 10 reps
Plank 40 seconds
1 minute of cardio Rower/Skipping/Spin Bike

Workout Option 2: Sets & Reps

This method involves performing the same exercise for designated sets and reps before moving on to the next one. This workout style is ideal for beginners.

Exercise Sets x Reps
Goblet Squat 4 x 10
DB Press 4 x 10
Static Lunges 4 x 10
DB Bent Over Row 4 x 10
Pallof Press 3 x 10
Plank 3 x 30 secs
2 minutes Cardio Skipping/Rowing Machine/ Spin Bike


After the workout, cool down with post-roll foam rolling and static stretching for about 10 minutes.

Take this time to let your nervous system calm down after the workout. This improves flexibility and reduces muscle tension. Focus on key areas like

  • Lats,
  • Calves
  • Quads
  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Thoracic Spine

Optional – Deep Breathing (5 minutes)

Engage in deep, rhythmic breathing to promote relaxation and recovery.

Time (seconds) Box Breathing
4s Inhale deeply
4s Hold breath
4s Exhale slowly
4s Pause briefly

3 Easy-to-Follow YouTube Menopause Workouts

Lucy Wyndham-Read

7-Minute Menopause Workout


20-Minute Strength Workout for Menopause | Women Over 50

Pahla B


3 Tips for Gradual Progression

  1. Start Light: Begin with lighter weights and gradually increase as strength improves.
  2. Listen to Your Body: Adjust intensity or duration based on signs of discomfort or fatigue.
  3. Gradually Increase Exercise Intensity: Continually challenge muscles by gradually increasing exercise difficulty.

Remember, individual responses to exercise vary. So, create your workout routine based on your needs and expert advice from healthcare professionals.

Overcome Challenges by Staying Consistent

  1. Develop Consistency: Schedule workouts like appointments to ensure consistency.
  2. Fight Fatigue with Restful Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep and manage stress to combat fatigue.
  3. Do Joint-Friendly Exercises: Hormonal changes can cause joint pain and stiffness. Incorporate exercises that are gentle on the joints.

Stay Motivated

  • Set Realistic Goals: Track progress and celebrate small achievements.
  • Accountability: Partner with friends or hire a trainer for motivation and support.

Get Stronger Through Menopause: Celebrate Strength

Commitment to strength training during menopause isn’t just about lifting weights.

It’s a celebration of the female body’s resilience and capabilities. By adopting a holistic approach to health and wellness. Women can navigate menopause with strength, grace, and a commitment to their overall well-being.

It’s not just a workout. It’s a journey to a healthier and stronger version of oneself.

Find Your Fitness Solution at Trojan Fitness!

Ready to tackle menopause head-on?

At Trojan Fitness, we’ve got everything you need to power up your strength training routine. From dumbbells to resistance bands, our equipment is tailored for women’s needs.

Start feeling stronger today – visit us and take the first step toward a healthier you!

Buy Strength Training Equipment Online

The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered professional or medical advice. We make every effort to ensure the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Always consult a qualified professional before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle. We are not responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from the use of, or reliance on, any information provided on this website.

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